Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Newsweek article: False Internet claims and rumors fly about McCain's running mate

Here is an article from Newsweek putting to rest some of these out right lies of Sarah Palin. They will address more rumors in future articles.

In Liberty,

Monday, September 8, 2008

Detailed Facts on Troopergate

State Senator Hollis French (Democrat) seen in this picture: He is the one that launched this "independent" (yeah right) investigation.

For anyone wanting to learn more about the facts of the investigation on Sarah Palin or "Troopergate" here is a great link.

I think the press is working it up to more than it really is and already declaring her guilty.

I will post more information as this keeps developing.

In Liberty,


Polls, Polls and more Polls...

Okay For all those political junkies out there like me... I am going to start listing the daily poll numbers and the links to the polling sites to read more into the numbers.

I also have become a news junkie of http://www.drudgereport.com/. He seems to beat everyone to the punch on breaking news stories. So, if you don't have time to watch the news or read the paper, check out his site for the latest stories on the world and what is happening in the political world.

So here are the polls from yesterday:

-USA Today Poll: In the new poll, taken Friday through Sunday, McCain leads Obama by 54%-44% among those seen as most likely to vote. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/election2008/2008-09-07-poll_N.htm

-Zogby (He tends to be right on at predicting things)- He has McCain/Palin up 4%

-Gallup Daily: McCain Moves Ahead, 48% to 45%-http://www.gallup.com/poll/110050/Gallup-Daily-McCain-Moves-Ahead-48-45.aspx

It is interesting to note that we won't know the full effect of the Republican convention until probably Tuesday-Wednesday. Polls are done on a 3 day rolling average. So the Tuesday-Wednesday polls will show the 3 day effect after John McCain's speech on Thursday.

It is also interesting to note that the polls, in past history, usually do not tighten up or have Republicans up until closer to the election day... So, this will be interesting to see what the polls look like closer to election day.

Sarah will be doing her first interview with Charles Gibson on ABC. I will post what day and time it will be, when I find out.

In Liberty,


Saturday, September 6, 2008

An American Woman-Special on Sarah Palin's life on Fox tonight at 8:00pm

Greta Van Susteren on Fox News is going to have a special tonight on Sarah Palin's life at 8:00pm EST, called Governor Sarah Palin: An American Woman. It looks pretty interesting. I think it will repeat on Sunday at the same time too, just incase you miss it tonight.

In Liberty,


This Troopergate investigation is very fishy... It seems to have Obama's camp mingling in the background!!!

I have been trying to probe into this Troopergate investigation that the press keeps talking about.

The guy that starting the investigation Alaska state senator Hollis French, is a big supporter of Obama. I wonder if they knew somehow early on that John McCain was vetting Palin for his V.P. This investigation was launched late this summer. I was watching the interview with the ex-brother-in-law trooper on Anderson Cooper's 360 and boy it was really weak and frankly embarrassing for the guy. Watch the video here: http://ac360.blogs.cnn.com/2008/09/05/exclusive-the-trooper-behind-trooper-gate/
Anderson states that the Obama campaign has reached out to the head of his union I believe of the troopers. It is funny how Obama tries to act like he is above the fray of politics, when really him and the people around him are putting to good use the dirty politics of Chicago. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!

Here are a few interesting articles:

This one is really good. It shows how Hollis French is linked to Obama-

This is a newsweek article Drawing a little more detail on the situation-

In Liberty,

Ron Paul and Sarah Palin- The Optimistic Hope of a Ron Paul Supporter...

I started this blog to search out the real facts on Sarah Palin, a name that I heard about 6 months ago in different Ron Paul forums. I had a glimpse of hope last Friday when I heard she was going to be John McCain's Nominee. I was actually in shocked that he picked her and for me it had nothing to really to do with her being a woman. Could Sarah Palin be the next person to help Ron Paul carry the torch of truth, liberty, and limited government? It is yet to be fully seen, but I have hope.

Here is where I found my glimpse of hope:
August 29, 2008
Sarah Palin on Ron Paul Posted by Lew Rockwell at August 29, 2008 03:13 PM
From a February MTV interview: "He's a good guy," she added. "He's so independent. He's independent of the party machine. I'm like, 'Right on, so am I.'" (Thanks to David Muir)http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/022574.html.

I know that seems small... but there really has not been too many Republican leaders that have come out and said nice things about Ron Paul. Most comments made through out this campaign season on Ron Paul from Republican leaders have been dismissive of him and his message.

I know there are a lot of Ron Paul supporters, that have already come out swinging against Sarah Palin... but I say lets step back for a moment and give her a chance. There is never going to be a person that is going to match Ron Paul 100%. Ron Paul is a truly courageous and unique champion of liberty. I feel she could be the next person to reach more Americans about the truth of government and the hope of liberty.

I think the next step for conservative libertarians is to realize she is on John McCain's ticket and she is going to be limited on what she can really say, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have the same core beliefs as conservative libertarians. I do feel she is a woman of principle and if she should get elected with John McCain, she has the possibility of shaking things up in Washington and America like nothing we have now.

My mission is to join with individuals to see what she knows and understands about the Federal Reserve and the failing dollar. If we could get someone like her to understand and join the cause that Ron Paul has been speaking about through out this campaign this could be a great moment for our country. I try not to be a conspiracy theory person type, so I find myself believing the people we elect to Washington really don't understand the damage that the Federal Reserve has done to our dollar and the economy more than they know and just don't care.

I majored in Economics in college and I can only really remember the whole time I was in college one time a professor talking about the Federal Reserve in one class. I knew that it really had more power over our economy than our President, but that was about the it. After really learning about it years later through the education of the Ron Paul Campaign, I find it very sad that this is not examined further in our educational system. So this is why I go back to maybe our elected officials just don't get it and in reality they can't be the know all of every issue in our world, country, government, and our economy. That is why I believe the power of the government should be limited and more power given back to the states and the people of this country. In the end the individual will make a better choice for their life and future than the government ever could.

We must realize that we must do all we can to get this message out to America and our elected officials. We must find elected officials that are willing to listen and take on this cause. We will never agree with them 100%, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't engage in conversation with them.

I think the first step we must do is see if we could reach out to Sarah Palin and find out what she knows about the Federal Reserve. This reach out could possibility be done through Ron Paul. Could we get Ron Paul to either meet or talk with her? I have emailed Adam Brickley who actually started the draft of Sarah Palin for V.P http://palinforvp.blogspot.com/ about reaching out to her to learn her knowledge of the Federal Reserve. He was contacting by the Palin's who offered him thanks for his efforts of helping her get on the ticket with his blog and petition campaign. Adam has been busy this last week. I think have seen him a few times on television and even on the Colbert Report:)!

One of my friends has sent me a very interesting lecture on the history of the Federal Reserve that I am going to try to post soon, for those that wish to learn more about it.

This is my first attempt to start a conservation about this and would love to here from anybody that would like to join this cause with any ideas or suggestion. I will also be posting the real facts of Sarah Palin, seeing the drive by media is doing a hack job on her right now. I am not sure if they dislike her because she is conservative or if their ego's were bruised because they didn't see her being pick for John McCain's V.P. 100 miles away and didn't get to interview or find out information about her before hand. Either way they are at it.

In Liberty,