Saturday, September 6, 2008

This Troopergate investigation is very fishy... It seems to have Obama's camp mingling in the background!!!

I have been trying to probe into this Troopergate investigation that the press keeps talking about.

The guy that starting the investigation Alaska state senator Hollis French, is a big supporter of Obama. I wonder if they knew somehow early on that John McCain was vetting Palin for his V.P. This investigation was launched late this summer. I was watching the interview with the ex-brother-in-law trooper on Anderson Cooper's 360 and boy it was really weak and frankly embarrassing for the guy. Watch the video here:
Anderson states that the Obama campaign has reached out to the head of his union I believe of the troopers. It is funny how Obama tries to act like he is above the fray of politics, when really him and the people around him are putting to good use the dirty politics of Chicago. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!

Here are a few interesting articles:

This one is really good. It shows how Hollis French is linked to Obama-

This is a newsweek article Drawing a little more detail on the situation-

In Liberty,

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