Monday, September 8, 2008

Polls, Polls and more Polls...

Okay For all those political junkies out there like me... I am going to start listing the daily poll numbers and the links to the polling sites to read more into the numbers.

I also have become a news junkie of He seems to beat everyone to the punch on breaking news stories. So, if you don't have time to watch the news or read the paper, check out his site for the latest stories on the world and what is happening in the political world.

So here are the polls from yesterday:

-USA Today Poll: In the new poll, taken Friday through Sunday, McCain leads Obama by 54%-44% among those seen as most likely to vote.

-Zogby (He tends to be right on at predicting things)- He has McCain/Palin up 4%

-Gallup Daily: McCain Moves Ahead, 48% to 45%-

It is interesting to note that we won't know the full effect of the Republican convention until probably Tuesday-Wednesday. Polls are done on a 3 day rolling average. So the Tuesday-Wednesday polls will show the 3 day effect after John McCain's speech on Thursday.

It is also interesting to note that the polls, in past history, usually do not tighten up or have Republicans up until closer to the election day... So, this will be interesting to see what the polls look like closer to election day.

Sarah will be doing her first interview with Charles Gibson on ABC. I will post what day and time it will be, when I find out.

In Liberty,


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